BB's are fake guns.
Bibi's a fake leader.
A BB might look real, feel real, and even sound real, but it's not an actual gun. It's a juvenile toy.
Bibi might look like a leader, act like a leader, even sound like a leader, but in truth he's nothing of the sort. Bibi's a puppet whose function is to deliver his unsuspecting population to NWO dystopian democide.
He's a faux leader who doesn't lead but follows the orders of his globalist puppeteers.
However, here's where the comparison ends. Despite their phonetic and conceptual similarity, they are NOT equally dangerous.
While BB's are harmless and innocuous (for the most part), Bibi is lethal.
And it's not just Bibi. The entire government and establishment have been weaponized against the people. Left, Right, and Center… they all serve the same odious overlords.
Parenthetically, Hebrew is an abjad language whose roots are consonantal. Bibi ביבי shares the same consonants as boobah בובה, which means puppet or doll. Was Bibi's juvenile nickname preferred by the powers-who-shouldn't-be (who obviously put him into power in the first place) because it subliminally implies that he's nothing more than an innocuous toy, like a harmless BB gun?
Furthermore, the word biv ביב means sewer or gutter, so Bibi ביבי literally means "my sewer" in Hebrew [see mishna in Avoda Zara 3:4 regarding idolatry placed on a gutter ביב over which people urinate etc.].
Hmm… “My sewer?” Whose sewage is the Bibi sewer serving? Clearly his faux "government" is a cesspool of betrayal, a drain on his people, a funnel for globalist waste, a toxic tentacle of the predator class who pulls his puppet strings. He's “their sewer.”
HaShem yeracheim. May G-d save us from their evil designs.
May the true Rock of Israel, G-d Almighty, neutralize Bibi and all other counterfeit leaders and their genocidal proxies. May they be rendered as harmless as a BB gun, and may their evil designs all be washed down the drain. Speedily in our days. Amen.
part II
Jus' sharin' what I wrote 'bout this mess back in Acht-Tober (btw I write in the vernacular--keeps the bots away! but what I SAY is 100% sincere!)
exactly! been sayin' this fer a long time (an' usin' the BBGun term too!)--he's done more ta KILL us chews an' ruin any good will fer us the world over -- NetAnYoohoo is just an'uther greedy globalist happy ta deliver scorched-earth territory ta the cabal masters... I love Rabbi Chananya Weissman's take on BB's insanity :
I'm not sure that all we regular folks kin do is "pray" tho'--gotta git some SANE leaders like you, like Rabbi Weissman--ta git a bigger platform so the world knows that we kin be against self-destructive Rambo insane war-mongerin' indiscriminate killin' missions (all the IDF soldiers would be future husband & fathers who'll die on these fruitless missions...). BBGun has lost all us "chews" any vestiges of good will that were left over from WWII--the cries fer blood (ours) an' hate fer us "chews" has ramped up ta fever pitch--on left, right, an' center. Those who believe Israel should yet be a home for us an' YET condemn the horrible acts of BB "in our name"--wuther we choose ta live in the no-longer-good Ol' USA or in Israel--are now silenced.
Gotta find a louder soapbox fer this Rabbi Michoel! blessin's yer way!