I appreciate this post. Freedom comes from the independence of the individual. First comes individual duties, and then later cooperation and sharing.

If you put community above/before the individual, you destroy freedom and responsibility.

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Yes Rabbi Green, but who is going to buy your excess wheat 🤔if everyone grows its own? And we cannot grow everything either🤔

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Barter and donate. No problems.

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grow straw, then. you didn't hear it from me, but non-compliant wheat has straws under the chaff.

how does the arm of the tefilin harvest sea salt? [sorry for my english]

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My apologies can you explain in a different way please? Is not about the English is about the meaning. Toda,

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why there will be no competition in the era of moshiach? maybe markets will be automated better at the production and contract-for-difference side of the economic incentives.


local markets might resemble more a dunbar-number moshav, people in a kollel who know one another, and like in talmud(s), people who convey goods and services among communities with the donkey - literally the donkey, along old trails.


instead of arbitrage games in the carbon credit casino, our planet may yet have charcoal as the main clean fuel -- and off-gassed refined wood as the main hydrocarbon fuel for aviation and snowmobile applications.


to restate in the language of what may be imperfectly recollected midrash:

how does eisav tithe straw? rabbi akiva's father gave up his identity. went from ben noach, from edumi, to ben avraham -- jehudi - yehudi. may all of the residents of the land of yisroel be like yosef ben avraham abu aqiva a''sh -- and like the righteous women of all time, the women are innocent.

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