There isn't any information in this post. If everything is the Deep State then nothing is.

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What I interpret is that what was considered deep stated has changed "status" and has now been identified, in the surface not hiding anymore!

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Maybe this situation was already existing but we could not see it?

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שיר המעלות מ"מעמקים" from the "DEEPness" קראתיך ה'

But "קרוב ה' לכל קוראיו לכל אשר יקראוהו באמת".

So Hashem (G-D) wants us to have a deeeeeeep connection to him, & he is close all who call out to him with truth.

Thank you Rabbi Green!

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Rabbi Green: We survived this under the Tsar. That's just they way it has always been. Perhaps we should just accept this as the norm?

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This is a bad idea, maybe is a testing for each of us 🤔

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One wonders how one determines this.

If everything is a deep state operation, how can one trust anything at all?

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We can’t. There’s only One we can trust. Pray.

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Gam zu l’tova

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