Apr 25, 2023Liked by Michoel Green

https://realclimatescience.com/2023/04/rfk-jr-wants-science-criminalized. This is a video in which Kennedy says that he thinks that people who dissent from climate alarmism should be jailed.

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A Jew who votes for the Democratic Party is like Jew voting for NAZIS. The so called Leftist, Token Jews who see themselves as liberals are useless idiots for the left. They are incapable of critical thinking. RFK Jr. has been on the correct side of the vaccination debate for years. But anyone who calls themselves a Democrat is public enemy number 1 to the Republic. As a physician I know that the average doctor has zero clue about vaccines and accepts the messaging without questioning. But after the Democide plandemic doctors should be looking themselves in the mirror and asking what have I done. The answer is the majority of doctors willingly participated in the human experiment and the purposeful depopulation of as many undesirables as possible. Most doctors continue to willingly push the World Economic Fund’s continued Democide. Note these doctors stood silent watching patients die in hospitals secondary to medical protocols that were known to be detrimental. They accepted every lie That Dr. Fauci spewed. Silence is consent. If you are a Jew, if you believe in the Constitution & the Bill of Rights, if you want to live in a free society then the only candidate is Donald J Trump. But who are we fooling? The election is already decided. Every pillar of our society is corrupted. The military is woke and failed Trump. The courts are corrupt and political all the way to the Supreme Court. Without the military to oversee the election and subsequent arrest of every person who participated in coup de Tat, there is no hope for our Republic and our children. Nothing has improved , rather the strangle hold of the left is ever more dominant. If you honestly think we have a two party system your delusional. The Republican hierarchy led by McConnell and McCarthy are bought and paid for and although they blow a lot of hot air they have sided with the Democratic Communists at every turn. McConnell was willing to loose the Senate Majority just not to back anyone that Trump supported. No DeSantis is not your pick. He too is in the pocket of the Republican Hierarchy. DeSantis and his wife are worth at best 1.5 million ripe for all the influence peddlers. But George Soros likes him. Living in Florida I know that DeSantis represents the big corporations not the little man. It is the corporations who implemented the plandemic and continue to push those edicts as well as the woke messaging. If there is any hope that we don’t end up in re-education camps it is by some act of G-d that Donald Trump regains the presidency and A war tribunal is erected by the military for crimes against humanity and genocide. Those in the Democratic & Republican Party , FBI, CIA, Obama’s, Clinton should face charges of treason for the Coup de tat. I would like front row seat for the firing squad.

I am not an apologetic Jew. Remember the message of Purim. The Jewish people represent G-D’s way. We are not suppose to tolerate, turn a blind eye to Amelek but rather to actively destroy Amelek. The left is Amelek.

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Many do not realize the coup of the U.S. Government happened in 1963. Robert F. Kennedy knows what happened and is seeking to try to turn things around. He may not succeed due to the arrogance of all those who will not vote or at least try to make democracy work. Using this attitude with religious justifications is a big part of the problem that I hope will change by the year 2024. https://flybynews.wordpress.com/2023/04/06/robert-f-kennedy-jr-running-for-president-in-2024/

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Great post, Rabbi Green. Absolutely fantastic.

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Freedom. Out of slavery. Out of hillary's communist "village". Freedom comes from the bottom up, local, individual. Slavery comes from top down, global, dictators.

Rabbi, thank you for your integrity and wisdom, chochma, binah, sechel. We have an instinct for freedom.

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Bobby the K isn't going to save us, but his candidacy means an advance in public knowledge and awareness of the medical tyranny agenda, who is behind it, and what they hope to gain from our enslavement.

Is he really in favor of all the other mandatory vaccines? I don't think so because he knows they cause autism, SIDS, and other illnesses, and that 54% of American children now suffer from chronic auto immune diseases. This figure has steadily risen since the removal of liability law in 1986.

I'm pretty sure that he's against everything on your list except chemtrails. That is. I don't know if he's aware of the dangers from, or rationalizes them.

But he IS in the camp that demonizes CO2.

He thinks that all climate alarmist hysteria critics are funded by Big Oil, Gas, Coal, and Nukes.

I'd like to know whose money is backing his candidacy. ??????????

He does have investments in solar and wind.

I don't think it's wrong of him to run as a candidate for the party where all progressive ideas go to die.

He is a large enough public figure to shake up the entrenched establishment.

But chances are that they will incorporate and coopt any of his ideas that threaten to catch on.

He also may be martyred. It's an American tradition.

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Well realistically people have to pick one of these parties if they want to actually get elected but you should really check out his podcast where he did actually expose chemtrails , GMO, pesticides, and some of the other stuff you're talking about...


He isn't pro jab, he's pro medical freedom, so, basically: if you want a vaccine you should be able to take one, never be coerced but they need safety testing and to get rid of legal immunity for Big Pharma.

Furthermore he has effectively fought for clean water and defeated Monsanto and Dupont to force them to give the biggest payouts in history.

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Mass Non Compliance ... or as we say in..... Canada: United Non Compliance


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I say amen to that.

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Your article surely resonates with me, Rabbi. But does the text not also tell us that after resisting Haman, Mordecai used the king’s signet ring, that he was great in the house of the king; he sent missives and that he was second to the king, seeking the good of his people

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My reasons for Aliyah

For English scroll down: https://24816.livejournal.com/7386.html?thread=60378#t60378

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As always God Bless you Rabbi Green for speaking Truth.

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So true rabbi...

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👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Bravo , very well said!

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You make great points----

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