Just as our doctors betrayed us, so also many of our Rebba betrayed us. But not Rabbi Michoel Green, an upright brave man of good character and courageous integrity.
I believe that the optics early on in the “pandemic” in Brooklyn, where Hasidic children were attending school, actually playing outside, and where funerals and weddings were taking place, etc., the resultant vicious anti-Semitism seemed to push the rest of the Jewish leaders into a corner. They had to prove that they and their communities were not deserving of this thrashing out at Jews. They were falling over each other to distance themselves from those “bad” Jews. They had to prove they were not like those Jews who did not follow the rules. They were the good Jews who did what they were told. Gee, where did we witness this before? Just follow the rules and you will be okay. Just get this government issued paper and you will be saved. How did this work out for us before? All of the Jews should have stood up together with the Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn who were the real heroes (before their rabbis went over to the dark side) instead of casting them aside as if they were a disposable sacrifice to the gods to make the rest of us look good, a sacrifice to the fear of death sooner if we angered the gods of medical correctness. We threw aside the funny looking, odd ones who stick out with strange customs, all too quick to distance ourselves from them. Did we not learn that it doesn’t matter how much of a Jew you look like…the end result is the same? Rabbi Green was inspirational among all of this. He doesn’t know me, but he shone a light into my being and helped me to cope and stand firm to my values based on my knowledge of our history.
Interestin'--an' yes, some complied an' though the Hasidim "messhuge" for not complyin'. But some did! The ones Rabbi Michael speaks of... In NYC (includin' in Brooklyn) many of these rabbis were PAID ta push the vaxx--I learned this many months inta the jab mandates. When I "sawr" this wuz the case I wuz floored--that they took the $. It fits every wrong stereotype--sacrificin' their own for profit? What else could one conclude? The irony, too, so a tattoo is desecration but a killer jab ain't?
I was sendin' blessin's ta Dr. Zev Zelenko when he spoke to the Rabbis in Israel begging them NOT ta let their congregants git the clot shots... (may he RIP, whatta gem!)
Not all in Brooklyn caved -- tho' sadly most of the Jewish "wokesters" did... I think Park Slope wuz the "woist." (We were in Brooklyn ourselfs 'til recently--NewYawkers who finally left NYShitty fed up--an' unemployed thanks ta not complyin') . We sawr "both" sides. Temple Emanu-el (UWS) totally banned the unjabbed from attendin' (online wuz allowed). I had trouble with their literal "nazi" policies--an' yes they used Empire pass at one point--I mean CRAZY from a temple...
But "chazzas" to the brave Hasidim! Here in Williamsburg we even saw they burned masks an' stomped out the ashes in defiance an' I an' others cheered 'em on! (I feared the dioxins an' nano-toxins released by the burnin' an' the kids breathin' that stuff in--- but it was intended as bein' symbolic an' defiant and it wuz!)
Why? Why it happened? Who is now leaderi g Chabad? Is that because their bank accounts were part of the treaty? The Rebbe of righteous memory knew what was coming that is why no other leader was in charge after him. The Rebbe promoted Chabad houses and the necessity of their own independence from authorities and governments to survive what they want to do to the human race..
Why? Why it happened? Who is now leaderi g Chabad? Is that because their bank accounts were part of the treaty? The Rebbe of righteous memory knew what was coming that is why no other leader was in charge after him. The Rebbe promoted Chabad houses and the necessity of their own independence from authorities and governments to survive what they want to do to the human race..
You are so right, as usual, Rabbi Green. It is very sad and pathetic that the Jewish leadership did not have the capacity to use critical thinking skills, which enabled many to understand the attack on humanity from which the decrees to take the vaxx were coming. You were/are a true tzadik and hero who had/has the wisdom and courage to see/speak the truth. Thank you and please keep leading/protecting us from harm and fighting for our survival and right to live as free human beings.
🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏🤗Rabbi Green you left me speechless! Ii Would like to add a small note it was a Jew Dr Vladimir Zelenko of blessed memory that went public with his free protocol that saved many lives no far from the beginning of the Genocide prior the Covid Jab. My understanding is that he was ostrized by the Jewish community leaders, No mention in Chabad a simple free protocol supported by thousands of patients that recover under the care of Dr Vladimir Zelenko. I sent a few emails to chabad.org on this that were ignored. I sent information to Australia to the leaders of chabad there one block me other did not listen..
Yup, just mentioned the late GREAT Dr. Zev. I have a friend who is studyin' ta be a rabbi an' I begged her ta share the warnin' bout the jabs-bad and sent her a viddeyo from Dr. Z--she wrote back that he wuz a "dangerous quack" an' by no means would she ever share the viddeyo which would "do great harm." To her credit, she didn't "cancel me" as many others did... we lost touch but she's likely a rabbi now an' still "with the program"
:( OH! so sad to hear that! sadly the "non analytical skills" have become a pandemic since long ago...spread to continue slavery at all levels! Nevertheless you and me exist! and a few others :) that brings sprouts of happiness to our lives... hopefully it will be contagious..
This is fascinatin'--an old proverb that only makes sense NOW given what we've seen--I still don't understand that if the goal is for our people to make beautiful "famblies" bein' fruitful literally--how sterilizin' 'em for generations makes sense--an' the State of Israel wuz the biggest culler of Jews---so many forced--an' the green pass redolent of the yellow star. It's one thing for "others" ta push this stuff but for rabbis to do this is beyond the pale... if they are not humble enough to own what they've one.... should they remain rabbis? doctors should lose their "licenses" to practice for killin' patients--is there not a similar "justice" to be done here...?
This is what I wrote to two of the Rabbis in Sept of 2021:
"Dear Rabbi ______,
I must commend you on your skillful plug for the Covid vaccine.
In truth, though, I was left wondering; what was the intent of this video?
Throughout history when a Rav wanted to state his opinion, he authored a teshuva. These teshuvos were often acrimonious (i.e. the נודה ביהודה regarding the get from Cleves etc.) but clearly stated the Rov's stance and explained where his position emerged from. This enabled רבנים since time immemorial to have robust arguments כמלחמתו של תורה.
However, nowhere and at no time in history have Rabbanim created catchy commercials without context. You'd be hard pressed to find precedence for such an anomaly, and it definitely heralds the way in for a newfangled Judaism. Now, those with enough resources at their disposal have the ability to create catchy PR campaigns and videos instead of hammering it out in the כותלי בית המדרש. I don't suggest that you haven't done so, but I don't see any evidence that you did. I Personally have had exchanges with גדולי הדור such as הג"ר שלמה מילר and הג"ר יצחק זילברשטיין, among others, which resulted in a flurry of teshuvos back and forth להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה. Here though, aside from stating "Get Vaccinated", there is little to give this the כח of פסק.
If you were coming to present scientific fact, sources were lacking and many "facts" stated within were actually far from factual or simply stated out of context. Either way, why would rabbanim make a commercial to promote something which is out of their purview. Just because you feel passionate about an issue, doesn't automatically make you an expert in that particular field.
I therefore conclude that this video served no other purpose other than as a commercial with celebrity endorsements simply to promote and sell a product. Much like a commercial featuring black men promoting Nike Air sneakers, we have "Rabbis" promoting vaccines. This, I'm sorry to say, is, or at least should be, beyond the realm of a Rovs duties.
If you want to have an intelligent conversation, I'm open, but for a Rabbi who feels the need to look like a celebrity??... Well... He may just end up looking like the next Jackie Mason."
Verbatim I will quote the responses I received:
Response from Rabbi A:
"Another unvax person just was niftar in eretz yisroel of covid.
Leaving over 8 yesomim.
If you went to shiva, what would you tell the children?"
Response from Rabbi B:
"Shalom U’vracha and A Gutten Erev Shabbos Kodesh—
“I therefore conclude that…”
Perhaps it might be ki’dai to be דן לכף זכות, especially right before the יום הדין. Someone with a sincere and humble ביקוש האמת doesn’t write in such a manner- to Rabbonim or to any fellow Yid.
Kesiva V’Chasima Tova and A Gut G’bentched Yahr.
Bracha v’hatzlacha with all your Avodas HaKodesh and Kol Tuv tamid."
Somehow that seemed to lay the matter to rest. I leave it to you to decide if this is indeed so.
i was looking through your old posts to re read something in particular and clicked on this thinking that it may be in this one. the memory of this continues to pain me today....i will never forget what the rabbi's did.....they changed my life...shattering my dream that i belonged to an honorable people and heritage. while i welcome them to make tshuvah with me i know that they will never do that. all of that Torah knowledge is worthless inside of them....who were their Rebbes that taught them? did they err in their teachings or did they just waste their breath on them. This is hard to digest
I AM []≡[] Organizing a group of 23 to complete a Commandment and want to give you first right or refusal on this project.
From Chabad•org
Positive Commandment 17[7]6
Establishing a Judicial System
"Appoint judges and officers in all your gates"—Deuteronomy 16:18.
We are commanded to appoint judges who will implement the Torah's commandments, and compel those who stray from the true path to follow the mitzvot. They will command regarding the performance of the good, and warn against doing evil, and will implement punishments against those who transgress. This in order that the observance of the commandments and prohibitions of the Torah not be given to the discretion of each individual.
Included in this mitzvah is the establishment of a judicial hierarchy.
A court of 23 judges is established in every city that meets a minimum population requirement. This court, called a sanhedrei ketanah (a "small court"), convenes at the gate of the city. A city that does not have sufficient population to warrant a 23-member court, should at the very least have a 3-member court, which presides over minor matters, and forwards larger matters to a court above them.
The local courts appoint inspectors to monitor the markets and ensure that people conduct business with honesty, so that not even slight injustices are perpetrated.
Every tribe has its own "supreme court."
In Jerusalem sits the beit din hagadol (the "high court") consisting of 70 judges in addition to the chief presiding justice. This individual is also known as the Nasi. This court gathers in the location designated for them [in a chamber in the Holy Temple]
Agree with everything the good Rabbi Green brings forth here.
We can see by the great tragedy of the chisounim that 'most of the rabbis at the end of days will be of
the erev rav', just as Chazal have predicted. We hope that most of our people learned and accepted the truth that they were betrayed by their rabbanim. Instead of using their G-D given sechel to research and figure out for themselves and realize the wickedness of the behavior of the whole medical world at that time, that there was definitely something 'not kosher' with the whole propaganda. A Jew needs, first and foremost, to put his Emunah and Bitachon only in Hashem and not
fall for corrupted answers to vital questions just because a 'rabbi' says so, (especially at a time when 'there is no truth to be found in the world, which is now-keitz hayamim).
May H' wake us all up, but with great rachamim, to welcome Moshiach tzdkeinu and the world of pure Truth and goodness, filled with the Spirit of Hashem.
Isn't Baltimore where the Francis Scott Key Bridge was located? Zechariah 11 comes to mind concerning so many Jewish and Christian leaders (shepherds) that led their followers, deaf and dumb to the slaughter. Please read Revelation 13 concerning the "mark of the beast." Perhaps you'll see this entire electronic money scheme, pestilence creation, war creation, teaching doctrines of demons for what it truly is...."the beast" If you truly believe in HaShem, be prepared to meet Him. I hope I am. Shalom.
Just as our doctors betrayed us, so also many of our Rebba betrayed us. But not Rabbi Michoel Green, an upright brave man of good character and courageous integrity.
I believe that the optics early on in the “pandemic” in Brooklyn, where Hasidic children were attending school, actually playing outside, and where funerals and weddings were taking place, etc., the resultant vicious anti-Semitism seemed to push the rest of the Jewish leaders into a corner. They had to prove that they and their communities were not deserving of this thrashing out at Jews. They were falling over each other to distance themselves from those “bad” Jews. They had to prove they were not like those Jews who did not follow the rules. They were the good Jews who did what they were told. Gee, where did we witness this before? Just follow the rules and you will be okay. Just get this government issued paper and you will be saved. How did this work out for us before? All of the Jews should have stood up together with the Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn who were the real heroes (before their rabbis went over to the dark side) instead of casting them aside as if they were a disposable sacrifice to the gods to make the rest of us look good, a sacrifice to the fear of death sooner if we angered the gods of medical correctness. We threw aside the funny looking, odd ones who stick out with strange customs, all too quick to distance ourselves from them. Did we not learn that it doesn’t matter how much of a Jew you look like…the end result is the same? Rabbi Green was inspirational among all of this. He doesn’t know me, but he shone a light into my being and helped me to cope and stand firm to my values based on my knowledge of our history.
Interestin'--an' yes, some complied an' though the Hasidim "messhuge" for not complyin'. But some did! The ones Rabbi Michael speaks of... In NYC (includin' in Brooklyn) many of these rabbis were PAID ta push the vaxx--I learned this many months inta the jab mandates. When I "sawr" this wuz the case I wuz floored--that they took the $. It fits every wrong stereotype--sacrificin' their own for profit? What else could one conclude? The irony, too, so a tattoo is desecration but a killer jab ain't?
I was sendin' blessin's ta Dr. Zev Zelenko when he spoke to the Rabbis in Israel begging them NOT ta let their congregants git the clot shots... (may he RIP, whatta gem!)
Not all in Brooklyn caved -- tho' sadly most of the Jewish "wokesters" did... I think Park Slope wuz the "woist." (We were in Brooklyn ourselfs 'til recently--NewYawkers who finally left NYShitty fed up--an' unemployed thanks ta not complyin') . We sawr "both" sides. Temple Emanu-el (UWS) totally banned the unjabbed from attendin' (online wuz allowed). I had trouble with their literal "nazi" policies--an' yes they used Empire pass at one point--I mean CRAZY from a temple...
But "chazzas" to the brave Hasidim! Here in Williamsburg we even saw they burned masks an' stomped out the ashes in defiance an' I an' others cheered 'em on! (I feared the dioxins an' nano-toxins released by the burnin' an' the kids breathin' that stuff in--- but it was intended as bein' symbolic an' defiant and it wuz!)
Why? Why it happened? Who is now leaderi g Chabad? Is that because their bank accounts were part of the treaty? The Rebbe of righteous memory knew what was coming that is why no other leader was in charge after him. The Rebbe promoted Chabad houses and the necessity of their own independence from authorities and governments to survive what they want to do to the human race..
Why? Why it happened? Who is now leaderi g Chabad? Is that because their bank accounts were part of the treaty? The Rebbe of righteous memory knew what was coming that is why no other leader was in charge after him. The Rebbe promoted Chabad houses and the necessity of their own independence from authorities and governments to survive what they want to do to the human race..
You are so right, as usual, Rabbi Green. It is very sad and pathetic that the Jewish leadership did not have the capacity to use critical thinking skills, which enabled many to understand the attack on humanity from which the decrees to take the vaxx were coming. You were/are a true tzadik and hero who had/has the wisdom and courage to see/speak the truth. Thank you and please keep leading/protecting us from harm and fighting for our survival and right to live as free human beings.
🔥🔥🔥👏👏👏🤗Rabbi Green you left me speechless! Ii Would like to add a small note it was a Jew Dr Vladimir Zelenko of blessed memory that went public with his free protocol that saved many lives no far from the beginning of the Genocide prior the Covid Jab. My understanding is that he was ostrized by the Jewish community leaders, No mention in Chabad a simple free protocol supported by thousands of patients that recover under the care of Dr Vladimir Zelenko. I sent a few emails to chabad.org on this that were ignored. I sent information to Australia to the leaders of chabad there one block me other did not listen..
Yup, just mentioned the late GREAT Dr. Zev. I have a friend who is studyin' ta be a rabbi an' I begged her ta share the warnin' bout the jabs-bad and sent her a viddeyo from Dr. Z--she wrote back that he wuz a "dangerous quack" an' by no means would she ever share the viddeyo which would "do great harm." To her credit, she didn't "cancel me" as many others did... we lost touch but she's likely a rabbi now an' still "with the program"
:( OH! so sad to hear that! sadly the "non analytical skills" have become a pandemic since long ago...spread to continue slavery at all levels! Nevertheless you and me exist! and a few others :) that brings sprouts of happiness to our lives... hopefully it will be contagious..
This is fascinatin'--an old proverb that only makes sense NOW given what we've seen--I still don't understand that if the goal is for our people to make beautiful "famblies" bein' fruitful literally--how sterilizin' 'em for generations makes sense--an' the State of Israel wuz the biggest culler of Jews---so many forced--an' the green pass redolent of the yellow star. It's one thing for "others" ta push this stuff but for rabbis to do this is beyond the pale... if they are not humble enough to own what they've one.... should they remain rabbis? doctors should lose their "licenses" to practice for killin' patients--is there not a similar "justice" to be done here...?
Every name must be recorded and a statue must be put up honoring these murderers with the full tally of all their victims.
This is what I wrote to two of the Rabbis in Sept of 2021:
"Dear Rabbi ______,
I must commend you on your skillful plug for the Covid vaccine.
In truth, though, I was left wondering; what was the intent of this video?
Throughout history when a Rav wanted to state his opinion, he authored a teshuva. These teshuvos were often acrimonious (i.e. the נודה ביהודה regarding the get from Cleves etc.) but clearly stated the Rov's stance and explained where his position emerged from. This enabled רבנים since time immemorial to have robust arguments כמלחמתו של תורה.
However, nowhere and at no time in history have Rabbanim created catchy commercials without context. You'd be hard pressed to find precedence for such an anomaly, and it definitely heralds the way in for a newfangled Judaism. Now, those with enough resources at their disposal have the ability to create catchy PR campaigns and videos instead of hammering it out in the כותלי בית המדרש. I don't suggest that you haven't done so, but I don't see any evidence that you did. I Personally have had exchanges with גדולי הדור such as הג"ר שלמה מילר and הג"ר יצחק זילברשטיין, among others, which resulted in a flurry of teshuvos back and forth להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה. Here though, aside from stating "Get Vaccinated", there is little to give this the כח of פסק.
If you were coming to present scientific fact, sources were lacking and many "facts" stated within were actually far from factual or simply stated out of context. Either way, why would rabbanim make a commercial to promote something which is out of their purview. Just because you feel passionate about an issue, doesn't automatically make you an expert in that particular field.
I therefore conclude that this video served no other purpose other than as a commercial with celebrity endorsements simply to promote and sell a product. Much like a commercial featuring black men promoting Nike Air sneakers, we have "Rabbis" promoting vaccines. This, I'm sorry to say, is, or at least should be, beyond the realm of a Rovs duties.
If you want to have an intelligent conversation, I'm open, but for a Rabbi who feels the need to look like a celebrity??... Well... He may just end up looking like the next Jackie Mason."
Verbatim I will quote the responses I received:
Response from Rabbi A:
"Another unvax person just was niftar in eretz yisroel of covid.
Leaving over 8 yesomim.
If you went to shiva, what would you tell the children?"
Response from Rabbi B:
"Shalom U’vracha and A Gutten Erev Shabbos Kodesh—
“I therefore conclude that…”
Perhaps it might be ki’dai to be דן לכף זכות, especially right before the יום הדין. Someone with a sincere and humble ביקוש האמת doesn’t write in such a manner- to Rabbonim or to any fellow Yid.
Kesiva V’Chasima Tova and A Gut G’bentched Yahr.
Bracha v’hatzlacha with all your Avodas HaKodesh and Kol Tuv tamid."
Somehow that seemed to lay the matter to rest. I leave it to you to decide if this is indeed so.
I left our synagogue because of forced vaxes for High Holidays.
I was disgusted already with SJW Golden Calf worship.
Last straw, the vax.
Bibi has to be held accountable too
jjule. Good for you! 🙏🏻
i was looking through your old posts to re read something in particular and clicked on this thinking that it may be in this one. the memory of this continues to pain me today....i will never forget what the rabbi's did.....they changed my life...shattering my dream that i belonged to an honorable people and heritage. while i welcome them to make tshuvah with me i know that they will never do that. all of that Torah knowledge is worthless inside of them....who were their Rebbes that taught them? did they err in their teachings or did they just waste their breath on them. This is hard to digest
Lies upon lies including the narrative about evolution.
בְּסִיַּעְתָּא דִּשְׁמַיָּא
Rabbi Green,
I AM []≡[] Organizing a group of 23 to complete a Commandment and want to give you first right or refusal on this project.
From Chabad•org
Positive Commandment 17[7]6
Establishing a Judicial System
"Appoint judges and officers in all your gates"—Deuteronomy 16:18.
We are commanded to appoint judges who will implement the Torah's commandments, and compel those who stray from the true path to follow the mitzvot. They will command regarding the performance of the good, and warn against doing evil, and will implement punishments against those who transgress. This in order that the observance of the commandments and prohibitions of the Torah not be given to the discretion of each individual.
Included in this mitzvah is the establishment of a judicial hierarchy.
A court of 23 judges is established in every city that meets a minimum population requirement. This court, called a sanhedrei ketanah (a "small court"), convenes at the gate of the city. A city that does not have sufficient population to warrant a 23-member court, should at the very least have a 3-member court, which presides over minor matters, and forwards larger matters to a court above them.
The local courts appoint inspectors to monitor the markets and ensure that people conduct business with honesty, so that not even slight injustices are perpetrated.
Every tribe has its own "supreme court."
In Jerusalem sits the beit din hagadol (the "high court") consisting of 70 judges in addition to the chief presiding justice. This individual is also known as the Nasi. This court gathers in the location designated for them [in a chamber in the Holy Temple]
Agree with everything the good Rabbi Green brings forth here.
We can see by the great tragedy of the chisounim that 'most of the rabbis at the end of days will be of
the erev rav', just as Chazal have predicted. We hope that most of our people learned and accepted the truth that they were betrayed by their rabbanim. Instead of using their G-D given sechel to research and figure out for themselves and realize the wickedness of the behavior of the whole medical world at that time, that there was definitely something 'not kosher' with the whole propaganda. A Jew needs, first and foremost, to put his Emunah and Bitachon only in Hashem and not
fall for corrupted answers to vital questions just because a 'rabbi' says so, (especially at a time when 'there is no truth to be found in the world, which is now-keitz hayamim).
May H' wake us all up, but with great rachamim, to welcome Moshiach tzdkeinu and the world of pure Truth and goodness, filled with the Spirit of Hashem.
Isn't Baltimore where the Francis Scott Key Bridge was located? Zechariah 11 comes to mind concerning so many Jewish and Christian leaders (shepherds) that led their followers, deaf and dumb to the slaughter. Please read Revelation 13 concerning the "mark of the beast." Perhaps you'll see this entire electronic money scheme, pestilence creation, war creation, teaching doctrines of demons for what it truly is...."the beast" If you truly believe in HaShem, be prepared to meet Him. I hope I am. Shalom.