Thank you for the songs. Music makes me sing and feel happy. It ignites me and raises me up. Be ha’alotcha! Light your lamps.

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Jun 21Liked by Michoel Green

That you are one in a million I already knew. That you and your family can make lovely music and texts with spot on texts, I knew as well. But that you are apparently also a poet, next to a farmer, loving off the grid... You astound me, rabbi Green. May HaShem safeguard you and yours until 120, making lots of poems hopefully about happier days for us mankind.

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Jun 21Liked by Michoel Green

That is talent!!

Please check out this article. I would be interested in your response:


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Jun 22Liked by Michoel Green

This might be easier for people;


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Have you heard the news

About the latest scariant?

Omicron’s the name they choose

For this newest variant.

Don your mask, of course

And stay within your borders.

Jab, jab, jab, the work force

Don’t dare defy these orders.

Switch’em letters, says the word wiz

And what do you find?

Moronic it is

This newest, latest kind.

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Hear ye, friends, have you heard

Is this for real, it’s just so absurd

A vaccination was just invented

And is soon to be presented.

It will keep us safe and protected

From accidents not to be affected.

You will be mandated once every year

To vaccinate against cars everywhere.

Yes, yes, you heard me alright

Nonsense, you say, you’re ready to fight.

Vaccination for cars, it couldn’t be stranger

But no, they’ll insist, cars are a danger.

We need to beat Mad Car Disease

So that you can live your life with ease

(And only a fool disagrees.)

It may not have been so bad yesterday

But now we know better. Vaccinate today!

And if you won’t, from cars you’ll be banned

Until you get it and do understand

You can stand on your head, oh golly

Your ranting and raving is so full of folly.

Your government knows just what’s best

To that their track record can attest.

If your care to drive or ride

By this fine law you must abide.

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What you wrote is awesome 👍. I love it! Thank you!

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