Rabbi Green,

I hope you had a wonderful break fast and know the righteous will never be forsaken. Tehillim #37 always gives comfort to the evil we notice in this world and putting a light on it is praise-worthy so keep at it. Your writeup is what I notice in this world although I will add there are some phenomenal Chabad Rabbis in Cherlotte to give you comfort. HaShem may grace this broken world like Nineveh and another round of Yeshayahu chapter 3 is likely in order. 3rd times the charm from Babylon to Rome to now. Lot of haughtiness.

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Thank you for the update. Chabad has & continues to deny a Jewish education to any child not vaccinated. I would like proof of vaccine effectiveness. There is growing evidence that the childhood vaccines & schedule does harm. The average safety study is only 45 days. No doctor has read these studies. If in fact vaccines work & your vaccinated why do you care if I am not vaccinated. Herd immunity, innate immunity is is infinitely better. Yet Chabbad enforces medical tyranny and denies any child who is not vaccinated and this policy flies in the face of a federal law that allows exemption on one’s belief. Chabad is not the only institution of jewish teaching denying a jewish education to our children.

With respect to building a high rise in Jerusalem, I suspect it was motivated by money. Land in Jerusalem is insane and much cheaper to build up. Mv son’s Yeshiva in Ben Brak Kisse Rachamin ( Rav Mazuz) was 9 stories. It wasn’t till I walked up & down the stair that I understood why the Yeshiva boys were so fit.

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Thank you for exposing the sad reality, which the latest issue of Colel Chabad reveals, mainly that Chabad has been infiltrated by the evil globalist elites, whose aim it is is to destroy society, eliminate spiritual connection to Hashem, transhumanize humanity and ultimately to commit mass genocide of the world's population so they can rule over those permitted to exist in a digital prison with total control and surveillance through a UN One World Order.

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Rabbi Green, thank you for informing us. Chabad is going in the wrong direction.! Sad.

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