Thank you Rabbi Green! This is the best explanation and so very important these days - when there is all this mix blaming Jews and the Khazarian stuff being thrown around which is also part of the elites' effort to ruin the Jewish tradition in it's authentic true to Torah state.

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Dear Rabbi Green

I'm not aware of anything wrong with RFK JR regarding antisemitism until now, therefore I believe that this is just a blatant attack on RFK JR from the mainstream media.

RFK JR was just citing a scientific article, since he is a "MAN OF SCIENCE". Now it could be that this article is manipulated. Could be that it's agenda driven. But there's nothing what to blame RFK JR for this. Unless you know other things about him (which I am not aware of.)

Actually in my humble opinion it's good that the mainstream media is talking about him. Although it's

negative publicity, but that is also good. At least people should hear about him, then see for themselves how corrupt the MSM is.

Finnaly, I wish that you can have with him a "zoom call" & publicize it.

יה"ר שהימים האלו יתהפכו לששון ולשמחה!!!

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Amen. Thank you Israel. I'd be honored to have a zoom call with him, if you knew how to arrange it. I don't think it will help his campaign, since I don't believe there are free elections here in the US anyway, and certainly no fair Democratic primaries either. For what it's worth, I agree with you that RFK Jr. is a friend of Jews and didn't mean to invoke any hatred of Jews by citing that study. However, I believe the study itself was funded by nefarious intent.

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Unfortunately there are at least 3 PRIOR questionable comments by RFK, Jr. concerning Nazism and the Shoah.

1) RFK, Jr's recent praising, supportive Twitter tweet to neo-Nazi Roger Waters of Pink Floyd). See:


2) He also had to apologize a few years ago for saying that b/c of jabs now, Anne Frank had it easier than people have it now:

"'Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps to Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did,' he told the crowd."


3) "Kennedy apologized in 2015 after he used the word 'holocaust' to describe children whom he believes were hurt by vaccines."

#2 and #3 appear in this mainstream media (AP) article:



--->>> I DO agree w/him about COVID and that jab, and his courageous work concerning jabs in general! <<<---

But I am concerned about the.above remarks, and also about some other stuff. For example in his recent speech in Congress, he also called himself an "environmentalist" -- I am hoping that doesn't means he's the Al Gore variety -- I would need to hear more about RFK, Jr.'s definition of "environmentalist."


At the same time (to be fair), the whole matter of what to think about RFK, Jr. Is quite complicated: The Dem "progressives" see him as a threat, so it is hard to know what to believe about RFK, Jr. in their media anymore!

The Dems have thrown Jews under the bus as a voting bloc -- in favor of Omar, Tlaib, and their ilk of "Israel"-haters. (We know that's a euphemism, at best, for their hatred of Jews and Judaism.)

But the Dems are also quick to conveniently cry out that a conservative -- or even any old non-"progressive" is supposedly an antisemite.


So this whole matter of RFK, Jr. is not so simple.

Keep this Shabbos's Pirkei Avos (Chapter 2, perek 3) in mind: "Be wary of those in power, for they befriend a person only for their own benefit; they seem to be friends when it is to their advantage, but they do not [necessarily always] stand by a person in their hour of need].


Hashem should have rachmanos on us all!

A good Shabbos Chazon to all!

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Thank you for your comment.

As you pointed out already, the media goes against him for comparing covid & vaccines to wwii. But I do believe that it's a true comparison. Mrs. Vera Sharav who is a holocaust survivor also believes that this is true.

Truth is, most of us jews don't know much about the holocaust. All we were taught was "And there was a man named Hitler ימ"ש & ..." that's it. as if this is where it starts & this is where it ends. Once he was killed everything is fine & we can go back to sleep. "Nothing to worry about".

Truth is that there's an ideology behind WWII, which is "DEPOPULATION" "ELITE" "EUGENECIS" etc., & if we look more critical, we should ask;

How did Hitler ימ"ש come to power in the first place?

Who supported him? WHy did they support him?

Is the movement dead, or are they working from "underground" changing names?

What was IG FARBEN'S role in WWII?

Who are they today?

What happened with many doctors post WWII, did they remain in jail or were they taken out a couple of years later to serve in the pHARMaceutical industry?

How many kids/people are KILLED from vaccines annually? How many are reported, how many are not reported? How many in the US & how many around the globe?

Same set of questions on "How many people/kids are INJURED from vaccines" How many are reported, how many are not reported? How many in the US & how many around the globe?

No, this comment won't convince a newcomer to see or believe that vaccines are dangerous, but for someone that is convinced already, will see a clear picture.

Let alone that I didn't mention Cancer, Heart attacks, iatrogenic or medical malpractice, the 3 main causes of death in the US & around the globe. These are all MAN-MADE-DISEASES caused by who? By those in the medical/pHARMaceutical industries. with the same mindset of "DEPOPULATION" "ELITE" & "EUGENECIS".

These 3 causes of death mentioned above combined are about 2 million deaths in the US annually!!

Talk about the holocaust 6 million in 6 years?

How many years are these crimes going on with an unbelievable jump now due to "COVID" or due to covid vaccines or whatever...

So, yes "they" won't allow anyone to make this comparison, but I'm sorry it's true & no you should not be called an anti-Semite for that. Maybe those that don't recognize the comparison should be called "dumb" because they don't want to look into TRUE HISTORY.

My comment is already too long by now. I'll end here, but I still have lots to say/write.

You mentioned Pirkei Avos, I agree 100% (actually חז"ל doesn't need my agreement). But at least if we have a great President then we have to "BELIEVE" חז"ל. Let's not forget, חז"ל also tell us "הוי מתפלל בשלומה של מלכות"... Currently, we don't even need to 'believe' it, it's so obvious. In yiddish we say "צו בארשט דארף מען נישט קיין ציין".

A good Shabbos Chazon, מצפים לישועת השם.

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He didn't say that. He was commenting on a paper. We have known for awhile that there has been genetic research going on for Biowarfare. The targeting is not overly specific, but if there happens to be a higher propensity of a certain receptor in one group vs another, they can make specific viral targets for that receptor. This is an unacceptable form of warfare. The ACE2R happens to be of lower prevalence in Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish. Was it targeted to be less infective or was it a coincidence. The Ashkenazi Jewish part is incidental. The implication is the former. That's the question he was raising. It doesn't mean that no one in these groups 'got" C19. But that this is not a good trend and humanity needs to put an end to this kind of targeting.

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"UN globalists thrive on vilifying and delegitimizing the holy Jews who live proudly in our sacred homeland".

I am unable to see this sentence being part of the general context of this article. I thought the UN Globalists were the ones who "legitimized" the "national home for the Jewish people" granted to Lord Rothschild in favour of the Zionist heresy. Zionism being the offspring of the Illuminati conceived Haskalah, what should be the attitude of truly orthodox Jews towards the state of Israel and all Jewish institutions, including Chabad, supporting Zionism?

By the way, all main presidential candidates for 2024 are also Zionist, including RFK Jr.

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RFK stated that the Cleveland clinic study

Concluded that the gene platform in ashkenazi Jews was such that it was harder for the virus to gain a foothold. He never said ashkenazi Jews were immune.

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JFK Jr and the Data are NOT saying that Jews are immune to covid. It does indicate that Jews ARE more immune to the adverse effects of VX on fertility, as Dr. Gale is pointing out. Over many decades these bioweapons have been targeted for population reduction through fertility. Some specific groups are much more affected than others: 56% fertility reduction European Caucasians (excepting Finnish) non-African blacks, 39% African blacks, 10% Asian and Finnish, 0% Amish and Ashkenazi Jews. (see interview Dr. Lee Merrit www.bitchute.com/video/GHMPDN7sGtFr/)

Will this still be used for anti-semitic purposes? Probably.

It has to be part of Hashem's plan. Maybe it's to push us towards making aliyah? If we look at Jewish history, Jews can get very comfortable in a country, but when God says it's time to go, the door closes very quickly.

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There would be 0% fertility reduction for the Amish, as they as a group refused to be vaccinated

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Since these are bioengineered, perhaps 0% Amish also reflects that the Amish do not participate in the genetic tests, like "22 And me". No DNA data to play with.

On a side note, Amish have NO autism . Amish have become the control group.

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As soon as RKF Jr. said "Ashkenazi Jews" I thought, "Ooooh he just stepped in it." I knew he had the best intentions and wasn't expressing any anti-semitic views, but I also knew the MSM, ADL and all those self-appointed word police were going to jump on him. What an embarrassment to the Jewish people these Leftist organizations like the ADL are.

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This needs to be reposted far and wide.

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A truly great post, Rabbi Green.

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Rav your mistaken. And I believe you did not actually listen to what RFK said. It is a fact that certain groups within the US were targeted by Pfizer/ Moderna in their experimentation on the American population. It is also true that they did not target Jews from the research dump. I do believe RFK to be a good and decent man. But it always bewilders me that one expect to change the Democratic Communist Party from within as an excuse to remain a member of this evil party. I see nothing in JFK’s past or present behavior as anti Semitic. The reality is he is despised by his own party and this was a hit piece. RFK doesn’t have a chance to win the party’s nomination. For Jews who are patriotic there is only one choice , “ promises made promises kept”, meaning President Donald Trump. But the fix is in. It will take an act of G-d for Trump to regain the White House. As we have seen time & again throughout history , the silent majority is sitting silent hoping for a messiah, yet giving consent to the tyranny. And like the few Jews that followed Moshe Rabbeinu into the desert, continue to question Moshe & G-d. We are feather weather friends and undeserving of Donald Trumps sacrifice.

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Thank you for your comment, Dr. Brien. Not sure if you noticed it, but I qualified that "Given his decent track-record, I assume that RFK Jr. made this error unwittingly and without malice." Furthermore, I wrote in conclusion that "This post is not really a critique on RFK Jr., but rather on the study he cited. For whatever it’s worth, he appears to be most suitable candidate at this time to lead the Democratic ticket, for those who believe that the US still has fair primaries and elections, at least..."

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He was quoting from the research. Not his choice of words, only stating what is already in print. There is no doubt that the world order & many here in the US will blame Jews. RFK is not the problem nor the solution. If the WEF decides to replace the Biden puppet it is still unlikely that JFK will b chosen by the leftist who despise him. I will note Bibi Netanyahu knowingly sold out the State of Israel by enforcing an experimental vaccine on the Israel agreeing to Pfizer’s terms and thus responsible for 1000 of deaths.

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