Ta save we Earthlings our mishmash 've a "not a movement" movement needs to unite on a few things (imho): 1. no AI (never'll be used for good, already baaaaad), 2. schtop the 5G, 6G an' beyond--mebbe 4G too... all bathin' us in toxic emfs--am sure there is safer tech (not my wheelhouse it's out there tho, suppressed!)--AND no IOT either... 3. toss all smart phones away cuz they'ze dumb an' it's dumber ta walk around with self-destructive trackin' devices/kill-weapons on yer person, 4. schtop the chemtrails an' the poisonin' of our food (dulls good thinkin' minds...) an' warter 5. no cbdc's (kin someone who knows their way 'round 'puters just please hack 'er take down that dastardly software that's gonna be used against "us" humans? it's monetary geo-fencin' fer all otherwise...) 6. exit the WHO...

If it took 6 days fer god ta "build" the Earth mebbe we kin save it with 6 goals/ one a day! (an' still get a day of rest?!)

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But Rabbi we know that a sphere doesn’t have corners. 😊

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I agree 100%.

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