Very profound observations. We have no way to know how much of this is false.

Look deeper and look further at the long range consequences - H’’B.

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Kevod HaRav Green, dear Michoel, thank you for posting this. Yes, so it is. Yesterday, i told one of my family members, that it is has become almost impossible to distinguish truth from falsehood. May Hashem save us from the hands and plans of evil rulers and their enablers. Shana Tovah Umetuka!

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1. if it's true--I'm'a willin' ta believe it is--then my understandin' is that Israel did this b/c their hands were tied as the US made them agree ta "no fundin' if you go after Hezbollah" so it was supposed ta be a clever subterfuge AROUND this horrible hamstringin' (pardon the non kosher expression lol)... SO..

2. I'm SURE that phones / pagers, etc can be weaponized to remotely detonate--we saw durin' the height of the plandemic that some people--ostensibly jabbed ones-- suddenly got a "shock" an' then just died--La Quinta Columna showed some footage of this...

3. I'm ALSO lookin' at this maneuver in light of the two new reveals of this week--1. that much as I think BBGun has sacrificed his own ta Big Pharma an' THAT doin' so is a genocide of chews--that the IDF hid details FROM him about 10/7 that were known in advanced an' ACTED reprehensibly to pressure hostages to shout for a compromise an' to advocate for a pull-out from Philidelphi corridor to "make peace with Hamas" (Hamas will never make peace of course) PER Hamas's own designs... in other worlds IDF worked WITH Hamas behind BBGun's back to force BB's Hand to pull out / make peace AND to pressure hostages--so I see this an' I wanna vomit--(sorry ick I know)--I mean HOW could the IDF do this even to BB... so conflicted as I am re. the killer jabs (meanin' I cut him ZERO slack fer sacrificin' his own!)... the conflict is that I DO stand with him NOT backin' down an' SHAME on what the IDF did... very upsettin'! An' manipulatin' the famblies of the hostages--it's beyond the pale--just UGH... an' 2. OK, the new judicial issue nooz came out 'bout that Attny General who was compromised an' had it "out" for BBGun an' spread the story that he wanted to change the judicial system to protect his leadership--it was all a lie-- that Attny General blackmailed one of the judges (he used that term) so he had no choice but to mis-represent BB--in other words mutiny / internal sabotage...

What have we come to when a man who has sold his own--like Mister Warp Speed--has genuinely been (pardon mah french) schtupped by his own team--internally--OMG.

I too dunno what ta think but I do appreciate yer insights Rabbi Michoel... Also--since Israel has the WORST PR in the world--I hate ta say it but the innertubes are buzzin' with NEW jooish hate re this tactic--they are sayin' (this is on MANY stacks, many sites) that now the "evil joos" will take over the world by explodin' ALL our phones b/c they control the software so if Israel and Mossad are not destroyed we'll all be exploded. OH an' they're sayin' Mossad will take out Trump too (oy).

Now this would be absurd / re-dick-u-lost fear mongerin' except it's bein' stated by fairly known talkin' heads an' writers--FEAR bein' the operative word! I gotta flip phone that I only use when out--hate the dang thing but at times its helpful since no more pay phones .... but most people have these things and IMHO they are all WEAPONS so there's truth ta that too... (an' that's spyin' aside)

There is nearly no way that Israel is gonna come out of this "maneuver" smellin' like a rose.. No clue what ta do but pray... for the people at least (not sure what ta do about the "fearless" leaders...)

ps this later addition--I hear that only Hezbollah operatives use these pagers--sadly yes a few civilians were harmed due ta bein' in proxmitity of the devices but from all I hear -- those killed were all young men / operatives an' the intent WAS to injure not kill--which is why relatively few casualties--this puts the op in a diff. light... better... tho' the MSM are screamin' bloody murder 'bout this now that more hours have passed... wow.

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Although I see the countries as non existent, I do agree with your main views Rabbi Green, thank you for your integrity and your courage 🏆🔥👏🏻🙂

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