Thank you Rabbi! I always wanted to know what this is all about. An excellent and detailed article!

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I have also always wanted to understand this issue better and I appreciate the clear, detailed explanation. Thank you, Rabbi Green!

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Thank you so much for posting this! I had heard you speak on this in one of your classes, but having this in writing for us to share and spread the truth is wonderful! Very very needed!!!!

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May 21·edited May 21

When I read about the Khazarian non-Jew conspiracy, I know it's false. We are Ashkanazi on all sides as far back as anyone can tell. We have a German name and both sides of our family spoke Yiddish. Yet people always insist we look Greek or Italian. We have a very Mediterranean look. I used to get free food in Italian restaurants because they wouldn't believe I was not Italian. That's how I know that Ashkanazi Jews are not fakes but came from the Israel or somewhere near the Mediterranean Sea for what it's worth. lol

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Litvaks here, some German & Ukranian too, hubby half Austrian--BUT when my hubs & I honeymooned in Italy same deal--both've us mistaken fer bein' Italian (folks'd just start speakin' Italian to us too!) Sadly we didn't git free food tho'--omg the food in Italy was incredible!!!!! I would'a LOVED that!

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haha a shop keeper on a Greek Island refused to believe we were Americans - if not Greek, then Italian - no other. I only got free Italian food in America at Italian restaurants not when we were in Italy

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ah, well I hope they were delicious Italian American restaurants then! but still, it's "a nize" thing--an' mebbe they're right? (a lotta Spanish chews went ta Italy, some later had ta escape 'er convert but there's something to that too ;-)

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Thank you. I've been waiting for this rebuttal.

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Brilliant and well done clarification. I would like to know more about why you consider (or what you have found) that leads you to call Zionism a subversive movement? Is it the umbrella that holds the Israeli cabal? I also acknowledge the courage it takes to put this out.

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Great, important, interesting details. Thank you.

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so true! Arthur Koestler (founder of the baloney Khazarian "Myth"/Tale) wuz a spook (CIA some say MI6 too...)! He had a bitter chip on his shoulder re. Israel as--tho' brilliant--he couldn't master Hebrew so didn't get (I believe) the professorship he desired... back in England he wrote a whole-cloth tale of us "chews" not all bein' "chews" (i.e. Khazarians) an' thus havin' "no ancestral claim" to Israel. Argued he wuz doin' us all a "favor" ta reduce strife. SIGH. Baloney, not even kosher baloney...with friends like that...

I dunno gornischt from Khazars (Matthew Ehret seems ta thing they were not baddies or "sabbatean frankists" --- most've 'em--yes that Zevi guy wuz a con man-- but most were simply multi-lingual merchants able to assist Charlemagne in trade on the silk road b/c of their facility with languages--makes sense ta me! my own ancestors were multi-lingual an' I think this was "a thing" for "us"). I grew up never hearin' a thing about this Khazarian "bubbe meise." Honestly an' genetically we're all related to each other!

Like ya said Rabbi Michoel--an' 12 "real" studies are out thar ta prove it---the few false ones long "debunked"... (see below)

In brief, we're all related to each other on the father's line--Mizrahi, Ashkenazi, Yemenite, etc etc...but on the Mama's line we who are Ashkenazis are related to 4 mamas from Germany (yup, just 4). This should mean a done deal, clear-cut, except for those who toss the khazarian banana onto the sidewalk an' make everyone else slip on it (Lorraine Day, all the haters like ta do this...).

I hate ta quote an evil man (David Duke) but he went out ta prove we chews had no relationship at all to Israel an' ta his chagrin--he proved himself wrong! (I keep meanin' ta post on this myself!)--wallah:



FWIW, imho, yes, Schiff & Rothschild are genetically chewish but a "shonda to the race" (as my fam would say) for bein' "schtunks!"--but to be "frank" (no joke) they were not even "all" secular--supposedly one Rothschild nice was an actual practicin' jew an' got Jacob ta go-pro-zionist (which, to him, made sense as a british court banker/stooge, not due ta any faith). But no no no, Rockyfeller was no jew--never, that's Miles Mathis the guy who figgers ALL rotten eggs ta be chewish . Nope, Fink's a fink, Warbug & Schiff are scoundrels, but we cannot claim the Rockefellers to be MOTs thank g-d! (I hate ta say it but look'it the Rockeyfeller punims...not chewish at all...never)

This Italian angle is fascinatin'--the haters keep sayin' it's ashkeNAZI like all the Nazis were joos...oy, such insanity...but I'd like ta know more 'bout this. 2 dear friends a' mine--both Italian from Catholic famblies--found they had jewish ancestry -- of course 23&me wuz kinda sketchy but it would be interestin' ta know! (We all DO gesture "big" lol)

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