One Transgression might seem innocent and harmless, but now you’re on the path to more transgressions. Too many leaders are jellyfish who flow with the trends.

We need more leaders with integrity and strength, like Rabbi, Michoel Green.

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Chabad, The Pope, King Charles, UN, EU, etc. are forming a global government system with new cashless money/economy, new religion, amazing medical breakthroughs, life "re-imagined." B'H, our Temple will be rebuilt. They will introduce a fake "Moshiach." This is also the Judgement of America (Babylon), and the rest of the world after America. The Prophets warn about shedding innocent blood and many imposter Jews and Christians continue to advocate for the massacre of children and very many great wickednesses in addition to that! We have not humbled ourselves, repented, and sought the favor of HaShem. We have ONE hope for escape. Let us all unite now in and say together "Baruch HaBa B'Shem Adonai"... Shalom.

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All institutions are infiltrated

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Furthermore how much more of this profanity do these self proclaimed “Chabad “ farces need to speak , before it is understood what is meant when the Rebbe says explicitly that these people are not his Shluchim.

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First why do you not mention his name , and the

names of any other known “Rabbi collaborators? This is what happens when they no longer follow the Rebbe MHMs directive to make Moshiach front line and center . This is truly “Hevel VRik” Don’t be hesitant to “out “ these people by name it’s important so we can publicly bring attention to them and call them out . Hinting is not enough as even people well acquainted with historic Chabad am not sure who you are referring too .

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Very sad

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I do not believe a religion called "Judaism" is founded in the Torah. I also do not believe a religion called "Christianity" is founded in the Brit Hadashah. Even so, Jews and Christians are recognized by the writers of the Qu'ran as friends of one another. I think the sooner Jews realize their best friends on the earth are Christians the sooner we'll see the healing the world so desperately needs.

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Bs"d. From the Land of Yisrael: excellent piece, Rabbi Green! I do agree 100%

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Chabad is the problem. A cult of ovdei avoda zara, around the reincarnation of Eisav and Yeshu (שר״י). A mashiah sheker, who cancelled mitzots from the torah and created a new religion that has nothing to do with torat moshe. They all are in Herem in Shamayim. Stay away from this apikorsims

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Even that what is called a shabbes dinner might have been a fake. No need for a blech with these goyim! So, shabbat dinner or a masked chabad dinner aka pr firm of erev rav posing as Jews? I wonder.....

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And good chance evil it faking it to bring in

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I am have trouble sharing, if it shares it only shows mountains. Only to X did it work. And this is horrific, bad, disgusting, scary!!!!

Share a lot to the right people if you can!!!!!

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