Jun 27Liked by Michoel Green

Which is the most Jew-hating country in the world? Let me guess.

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Government is wrongfully, taking the power to dictate this content. All governments always take too much power.

Power ~ isn’t given, it’s taken.

Take back your power.

Do it yourself?

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Evil. A good reason to not follow the requests of the state in regards to burying your child.

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Caroline Glick (on JBS on You- Tube) recently told a sad story of a headstone on Har Herzl, which also had no name. A Jewish Shoah survivor was killed in the '48 War of Independence. He had recently gotten off one of the boats from Europe. Israel did not even have time to register his name and family info., he was killed before they even had his name. (This was controversial, Ben Gurion needed men to fight, but maybe he should have spared the survivors?).

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Thank you for writing this, letting the public know about this travesty. In the biography of Rabbi Aryeh Levin titled "A Tzaddik in our time" by Simcha Raz, on page 387 is a photo of Rabbi Levin's tombstone, which has the "Ani Ma'amin" prayer for the resurrection of the dead on the bottom of the stone. (see page 468 for the English translation of the stone). Maybe this the government will permit?

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This is the military under the Likud, under Bibi. השם ינקום דמו . We are shy of 800 soldiers who have their blood spilt in Gaza. On Arutz 14 the patriotim Bibi was interviewed. Anyone with intelligence knows Gaza was and should return to Israel minus the Arabs. Bibi claimed this was not realistic proving his lack of vision to further lead. Bibi has made the fallen fodder. We are facing a brutal war in the north that is soon to begin.

The traitorous left in Israel should go live with the Arabs. We do not have military leaders who put the value of our sons & daughters lives first. Elohim please protect our children from our callous leaders & smite our enemies.

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