Texas Longhorn originated in the northwestern Black Sea Shore area between 5,000 to 15,000 years ago. They lived and traveled through Great Middle Eastern Deserts, moving westward into “Ancient Israel”, and then spreading throughout Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, and arrived in Spain. In Minoan, a Knossos Palace, there is a 5,000-year-old stone picture that strongly resembles a Texas Longhorn.

Columbus, from Spain, brought a few Longhorns in his tiny boats to the New World in 1494. Approximately 300 years later, in 1865 these Longhorns had grown into millions in the scrubland of Southwest Texas and Mexico. Texas Longhorn is a hardy, drought-tolerant, disease-resistant breed. Allowed us to do long distanced cattle drives with little, if any, loss of weight. The American cattle industry started with Texas Longhorns helping feed America after the Civil War and rebuild America.

Texas Longhorn’s history is far more complex than what is written here. This information demonstrates how well these cattle will thrive in Israel and in other harsh, semi-desert countries.

This short historical paragraph relied on information from several articles that are far more detailed. Texas Longhorn: Forgotten Breed with A Bright Future, by Mary Lou Harrsch and Cattle and Civilization: The Epic of the Longhorn, by Michael M. Fennell.


Robin M Rosenblatt, M.Sc., Animal Science, former IDF & past anti-Terrorist Agent

The Israel Longhorn Project

Nonprofit 501(c) (3)

7777 Bodega Ave. S-107

Sebastopol, CA 95472




Right now! We have a private foundation for the wealthy that has allowed me to slowly build up the fees so I can get funds. need $3,000 to acquire $15 million in funds to help Israel. Please help us; Use, US Overnight Express Mail with a Certified Bank Check arrives in 24 hours, costs only $24.00...


American & World Wire Transfer Information:

US Bank

6500 Commerce Blvd.

Rohnert Park, CA 94928

Israel Longhorn Project

Account: 157524074992




The Old West Meets the New Middle East

Head ‘em up and move ‘em out to Israel!

The Negev’s extreme heat and lack of water create difficult agricultural conditions. Farmland in Galilee is being overrun. Growths of non-native thorn bushes, shrubs and low trees leave farms fallow and create fire hazards that threaten the entire area.

Advocate Robin Rosenblatt, speaking for the American Israel Texas Longhorn Ecological Project, declared with hopeful confidence that an economical solution to Negev’s hostile and the Galilee’s damaged environments has been found, and it comes right out of the American Old West ---Texas Longhorn cattle. He wants to bring the critters from America to Israel.

These hardy creatures are highly adaptable to harsh environments. They feed on shrubs, tree leaves and cacti and they can function well in feedlot or range conditions. They have excellent calving and mothering capabilities. They protect their calves from predators and cattle thieves. Longhorn cattle are also highly disease resistant and their average yearly loss rate is as low as 3%.

To date, Israel has acquired cattle from America and Europe that are not suited to the region’s semi-desert environment. They suffer from a variety of preventable problems including poor mothering skills, birth complications, high losses to predators and cattle thieves, and poor disease resistance – in short, high death rates and low reproduction rates. In some Galilean locations, losses run as high as 30% of the annual calving crop. Israeli cattle producers have tried and failed to improve their cattle’s’ adaptation to the environment.

Rosenblatt said this research project could benefit Israel, the Middle East, Africa and US cattle producers. Texas Longhorn cattle may represent the solution to restoring the natural environment of the Galilee and developing the Negev. The research, if successful, could also help to boost Israel’s lackluster meat production, decrease fire hazards, increase open space for indigenous animals and tourism, and foster business with United States ranchers. Eventually, benefits would accrue to third world nations who are experiencing similar problems.

The Israel Longhorn Project is endorsed by the Texas Longhorn Heritage Foundation and operates in conjunction with Israel’s Department of Agriculture.

Robin M Rosenblatt: former IDF and past anti Terrorist Agent

The Longhorn Project

Nonprofit 501(c) 3

7777 Bodega Ave. S-107

Sebastopol, CA 95472


The Israel Longhorn Project

Nonprofit 501(c) (3)




American & World Wire Transfer Information:

US Bank

6500 Commerce Blvd.

Rohnert Park, CA 944928

Israel Longhorn Project

Account: 15724074992



Right now! We have a private foundation for the wealthy that has allowed me to slowly build up the fees so I can get funds. need $3,000 to acquire $15 million in funds to help Israel. Please help us; Use, US Overnight Express Mail with a Certified Bank Check arrives in 24 hours, costs only $24.00...

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Michoel Green

Thank you for your Help and Courage

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Dear Rabbi Green, just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers when reciting tehillim.

Today we read Ps 86, instead of our B'day Psalm 68, and was impressed to encourage you in your stand, with HaShem, Torah and freedom. Pls read it and hear HaShem's words to you. Happy Anniversary to you and your wife! & Good Shabbos. 😊🐝🌼✡️💞🌈

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HaShem is always blessing Israel, as Israel is at the center of His Will....Am Yisroel Chai!

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This is happening in all the Israel religions...Jewish and otherwise. Jews must be a part of Israel, but know that they are not the entirety of Israel, which is about to be revealed. Receive the Light....The Red Heifer is approaching you....

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