Jun 23Liked by Michoel Green

This is a well needed article that hits another nail on the head of the anti-Jewish deep rooted ideology that is Zionism that still dictates the policy of that evil state of theirs.

There is no heter to sacrifice Jewish lives for any land, for any car, or for any political power. However, Zionists as they have shown us when they declared "better a cow in palestine that [ rescue] 10,000 Jews from [nazi] Germany", are willing to sacrifice a limitless number of jews to keep their evil state in power.

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Author

Thank you again. I just commented on this odious quote in a new post.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Thank you. Do you have a source for this repugnant statement ("Better a cow...")? I heard something similar in the name of Yitzchak Gruenbaum but haven't found a source for that either.

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I know on the top of my head that Gruenbaum jemach shmo said he "didn't want to spend a penny (other currency used of course) to save a Jew in Europe for it would endanger the development of the jishuv". And didn't he and his ilk know exactly what was going on in Europe. Already in the thirties this evil Ben-Gurion as Weizmann, jimchu shmam, both said that there was no need for European Jews. Not in Europe nor in the jishuv (with jishuv they alluded to Palestine). More than 500 towns and villages have been destroyed by the zionists in Palestine itself, mass murdering, expelling, looting, raping the Palestinian population. Whose splinter groups by the way, were trained and armed and incidted by .... the British.

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It is exactly issues like this that prevent me from moving back to Israel. Israel is not Jewish but rather a leftist reality. A Jew can’t even carry a knife for protection. The majority of Israelis believe they are free. They are not. Their lives, their homes, their children ultimately belong to the state. A state that has perpetually failed the Jewish people. Watching the United States slowly turn into Communist/ Facist reality which supports antisemitism & is seeking the destruction of Israel does produce unbearable stress. If one can’t trust Israel where can one find safety? I will note that Rav Green is unique among Rabbis. He calls for action, and has attempted to move to safer place. He is actively working to be self sufficient. Producing his own food. He leads through example. Kol HaKavod.

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Censorship by Israel’s government!

The less secular government, the more freedom !

Thank you, Rabbi Green, you speak for me.

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I fer one pray for Israel but not the rotten leaders. I fully condemn the Israeli gubbamint's brutally sacrificin' their own from clot shots to green pass (sellin' the personal DATA of the citizens!) to the deplorable way they are lettin' young fathers (the IDF) be murdered in cold blood in this insane unhinged war (that means no more men to raise kids either, that means widows...).

BUT I don't wanna see Israel razed (many do--even some fellow chews)--an' I do not wanna see all within it's walls tryin' to just live decent lives--be displaced--however illegitimate the gubbamint there may be (is!)-- Those livin' there are indeed our brothers, our sisters (for some of us, our relations too). I cannot will not chant for the death of Israel as so many are doin'--I'm for stoppin' the insane gubbamint there post-haste--ditto for AmeriKa (that used ta be America the Beautiful)

IMHO political zionism is not the original simple "concept" most chews undestand to be Zionism--an' I say this is so however dishonest the political zionists were (they were!) b/c most regular choos had no idea... nu, they wouldn't know Jabotinsky from the Kazatski! (I'm comparin' fer those who don't know--a famous brutal General to a jewish dance like the troika!--an' yup, my entire fambly has no idear an' my attempts to explain the history gets confused looks--they do not git it--these are college educated folks, not dummies, they don't wanna hear...there's that too...)

What we have in the Land of Milk & Honey isn't ALL rotten!--there are so many good hearts & souls there--people who built honest lives there, people who to go temple, raise famblies, love the land. MANY I know ain't happy 'bout the leadership, are very upset 'bout the war. IMHO it's the leaders who are to be held mighty blame-worthy--same trouble here where 75% of our representatives are bought an' sold an' inta the same stuff (blackmail, traffickin' etc). Most Americans don't even know 'bout that here!

The Israel of BBGun & other war mongers ain't at all the Israel of those of my "fambly" members that fled there with little but the clothes on their backs from the tzar's "purges" now over 100 years ago--to date nobuddy in my fambly here in the US or elsewhere understand the Brits role in givin' away a land they didn't "own" (even if it was jewish land originally)--nobuddy in my fam has heard of anti-semite Lord Balfour (my attempts to explain the whole thing fall on deaf ears) an' to date their concept of Rothschild was that he / the fambly were just a bunch've fancy "wine makers" (chateau lafitte rothschild) an' bankers. Most chews even here in NewYawk, Orthodox an' Reform, Conservative too--they do not know of the dirty doin's--here or in Israel (just as we say!). They too are good people but they do not know...

So on one hand I too condemn the political "zionism" that has become a trigger for anti-semitism AND has been wielded like some weapon against good "joos" but on the other--I cannot condemn the "conceptual" original zionism or the idea of jews livin' there (however much of a pipe dream it was...however dishonest the political roots were) -- cannot condemn the wish for a safe homeland for the jewish people in a land where we DO indeed have our origins... (many deny that today). "That" zionism is honest an' noble an' legit--it's turrible the word now has such an ugly meanin' to so many--but I cannot be will not be "anti-zionist" because of these two meanins'. I think Andrew Barr feels similarly--it's all too fraught an' I won't stand with the haters--I condemn rotten leaders...

Israel is a land in our hearts that the "haters" say is an imaginary connection-- but what I feel is real (the blessin's of otherwise boring-as-heck Sunday school lol!) So I fer one have a vision which would be havin' an honest Israel that loves its people (all of 'em, frum, secular, or what I'd call in-betweens...) an' doesn't wanna sacrifice 'em or murder 'em -- an Israel cleared of, at very least, the rotten globalist puppets that care not for the jews. Is this possible? I sure hope so!

I do feel that if the Israel in our hearts becomes the true Israel that most jews want--that should be a reality! an' more folks might who were not really raised to understand this WILL come to realize the beauty of judaism--our traditions, faith, bonds if the leaders in Israel started actin' like genuine jews an' not imposters "in our name" which is awful, turrible, shameful.

So me? I pray for Israel. I condemn the leaders current an' past that have been a shonda (a shame to the race as my grannie always said).

Finally, I think it's wrong--abhorrent maybe? that any "schtate" should disallow a family in grief to put what the heck they want on a tombstone--surely there will be pushback on this? I hope so. Such profound losses... so unnecessary.

Blessin's Rabbi Michoel an' may Hashem protect our people here AND in Israel too!

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