"Would it be like a Jewish bank robber who committed high-handed crimes and then publicized a profile photo of himself in an identifiably Jewish posture, like wearing tefillin lighting a menorah or giving tzedaka, bringing ignominy on his people and the Torah?"
ALSO re. con-artist-in-chief-globalist-puppet NetAnYoohoo...
A good viddeyo of recent vintage (I have some quibbles below) but mostly it paints BBGun as the war criminal he is... with a lotta Israeli evidence, some stuff I never saw before...
1. use of "genocide" as a term--tho' I have nuttin' but ire + disgust fer the bloody massacre BBGun has inflicted on his own people an' all those livin' in Gaza, I yet don't believe "genocide" is accurate--His disregard fer human life while "takin' " territory is to be denounced an' stopped-- yet it ain't genocide imho; if every single person left Gaza (Rafah too), there would be no pursuit of these people even if they just moved ta, say, nearby Egypt. (Holocaust wuz genocide as Hitler wanted ta root us out EVERYWHERE... sadly that movement still lives, 'nuther story fer 'nuther time)
2. Pallywood--some of the images (not all) -- as are many apocryphal tales--old pix from Syrian wars reused...etc. So that's a mite dishonest. SURE Israel has it's own PR dept. an' releases its own staged photos (an' ops as we see above) I think the filmmaker here needs ta be little less trustin' of media... (ME-DIA!) to wit...
3. He claims "all" the hostages were treated "beautifully" an' "like Queens"--my air sickness bag is ready... Just (as I'll add) that many who fully deny the Holocaust cherry-pick out a few interviews from the lucky few chews who got selected fer bein' in the "showroom" division of the camps--i.e. those that got fed, gave concerts & performances, etc. ("Shoah" film outtakes...perhaps unwisely left out...) these few ladies released are trusted with the "official story." We know that fer "show" stuff exists (ta manipulate the media) an' there'z always folks that get treated differently from the rest, like the sample apartment with no vermin or drips or leaks.
Just as on any given tour of Bellevue (or similarly shameful "insty-2-shuns" of mental health treatment...) they'll show ya the few nice clean zen'd out folks playin' chess--not the screamin' drugged up abused patients gettin' molested (yes at Bellevue!) in rooms with feces an' other fluids on the walls. So this filmmaker either is too pro-hamas ta "see" that even if these former hostage were tellin' the truth--that duz not mean the others were treated like "Queens." Some other women gave testimony an' say they were raped, starved, hit, an' worse--I believe them too! One had ta have new arm surgery as she had a break not set. Also, we know that if you've just been lucky 'nuff ta have yer own life spared from rotten terrorists (even if Israel funded 'em I would still say Hamas are not nice guys ta have tea with...), it's likely you got told ta "hush up" about any abuses 'er they'd find ya where ya lived an' slit yer throats. (I know, graphic, but these are "head hunters") I'm not near-sure these folks were well-treated tho'-- that ol' lady in the film looks near-starved--I'm near sure they said whatever (like Patty Hearst!) ta save their own skins... an' mebbe that of their children... perhaps later they recanted by the MSM moves on...fast!
4. tho he clarifies that the ordinary "chews" are not to be held full-out guilty fer these crimes against humanity--he blames "The Rothschilds" an' claims that this one fambly runs the USA, Israel, the UK an' so much more... Oy. He doesn't seem ta know Rothchilds are not in charge--they're the bagment an' bankers of the Vatty-kin, Black Nobility / 13 Famblies, an' the Committee of 300 (most of which ain't MOTs)... I don't think that take is helpful as it targets one fambly alone as an easy scapegoat...
5. he tags the kibbutzim as hated commies--c'mon now--Israel has been a capitalist country since the 1970s if not earlier--life on a kibbutz is only communal in a type of living style that doesn't bother anyone--some vestige of the former socialist "ideas" that did come from the USSR perhaps, but nobody would pull out a little red book there... methinks it wuz ruther a matter of folks in one spot (aka a good target). Easy ta corner! Ditto fer the festival people--from all I gather it was not (as portrayed) some pagan-satanic-sex-n-drugs love fest ta be stamped out by the now-holier-than-thou BB... (some "truthers" have said they were satanists and deserved all they got--oy) but I think ANY large gatherin'--concert, stadium--like so many OPS 'round the world--is how ya make a target--be it in Las Vegas or Russia or....Israel. My guess--this fest wuz a mix of secular an' reformed, many beautiful youths gathered for joy (simcha!) an' not some nest of iniquity... imho the operative words were a) many an' b) convenience...
6. he claims that only 28 people were possibly killed "by accident" by Hamas--all the others killed by Israel's "friendly fire" an' (term not used by implied) Hannibal directive... He claims no Hamas members killed innocent jews--that only the Israelis did. Now he denies all that go-pro footage of Hamasians cheerin'? C'mon. I cain't say if 1200 or 1500 is the number but I DO think that they let those boys "go fer broke"--I think it was more 'n 50 young men from Hamas--but 50 kin do a lotta real life damage. I've heard very credible stories (eg. Norman Fenton's nice) that what they sawr was real--there are many tales of just how women are treated by not just Hamas but many of these men of the "noble faith" (per Gad Saad's terminology...)... so this filmmaker sayin' that Hamas wouldn't hurt a hair on these women's heads is ABSURD (we see Swedish women, English women, French women as livin' or dead testimony to the contrary)
BUT ALL THAT SAID--some of the evidence is incontrovertible--highly wreck-o-mended in spite of all this "baggage" BEYOND an' Inside Job
With that said, blessin's on all these an' other whistleblowers fer tellin' the truth--I hope BBGun doesn't touch a hair on their heads (like I trust the gubbamint there not ta destroy whistleblowers?)
They totally pernted their fingers at BBGun & CO... correctly--but they fail ta see that BB is just a puppet--a larger target is his masters. Either way, he's one'a the worst "chews" in history--makin' bank robbers look tame!
Who are young IDF who bombed / harmed their own--who didn't say no an' lobbed grenades inta the kibbutzes? who shot at their own from hell-o-copters? THIS is hard ta fathom... are they like the "good Germans?"
Maybe we missed the video part where he was asking several times if for sure there were parchments in the tefillin boxes, like he was concerned when he got the shot video.
I’m appalled by the comments. But meanwhile, do we really know bibi is responsible for oct 7? Certainly the army was out to get him, along with the rest of the elites. Do we know he wasn’t tricked into the Covid psy op? Seems even the British royals were tricked.
I;m sorry but you obviously are either blinded by misappropriated bias in favor of the most amoral, raping, shelling and sniping with helicopters (on October 7th 2023, also corroborated by israeli officers themselves, according to the Hannibal Doctrine which says to shoot israelis in case of capture). Or you just want to hate as well. For they are only Palestinians, right? I.e. an already 75 years heavily oppressed, starved for they got only the minimum calories, carefully counted by israel, their lives scrutinized daily and nightly (...), drones overhead, electricity cut off most of the day and night culminating in people, including children, freezing to death every year.
Who wants to live in a concentration camp with,and that is israeli policy, 70 % joblessness, fisherman shot at and their boats confiscated by a bunch of amoral soldiers who get away with everything and let their most evil low drives steer their actions.
With impunity. Strange that a people fight back at times, right? But since you choose to believe the propaganda by a state you seem not to like for its policies toward Jews, you do think it's right for Palestinians. Jews who protest in israel get intimiddated, arrested and tortured. Never heard of that either, I presume. And criticism of the zionist states' evil policies toward Palestinians, Bedouins and in fact also Druse people is said to be antisemitism.
I hope you will not follow the evil crowd (forbidden by Torah, rabbi!) and drone the same nonsense and in fact despicalble saying into out Jewish heads. Those who love Torah and try our best to follow its precepts. With social justice and not only for Jews.
Antisemitism is wanton hatred in all kinds of levels of us, Jews. We know what antisemitism is. It is a monstrosity that, of all people, the goyim and I see lots of zionists as such given their behaviror and language (remember what chazal said about those? That they don't belong to the Jewish people but to ancient Mitzrayim).
I would like to advice you to take a look at Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, Gisha, Hamoked, Whoprofits.org, All Israeli human rights organizations who tell and show you exactly what happens for real in e.g. the West Bank daily and nightly (terrorizing the population, settlers and the amoral demonic army alike).
Already for 8 months there is a genoicide in Gaza ongoing. Facilitated by the intelligence agencies of israel and the most amoral army top. Plans have been on the shelf already for years. For billions of dollars wipinng out the Palestinians, and fllattenng Gaza. Gas is in Gaza and oil. First Iraq, then Libya, Syria, now Gaza for they can't get to Iran.
The US proxy war. Hamas is a resistance fighter group as in WWII. But apparently you are too indoctrinated by former years' newspapers biased and all, esp. the New York Times who have been outed a couple of times as one-sided and basically lying.
Hopefully you don't keep your head in the sand. You are strong enough. Where is your moral voice, rabbi?
"Would it be like a Jewish bank robber who committed high-handed crimes and then publicized a profile photo of himself in an identifiably Jewish posture, like wearing tefillin lighting a menorah or giving tzedaka, bringing ignominy on his people and the Torah?"
ALSO re. con-artist-in-chief-globalist-puppet NetAnYoohoo...
A good viddeyo of recent vintage (I have some quibbles below) but mostly it paints BBGun as the war criminal he is... with a lotta Israeli evidence, some stuff I never saw before...
Quibbles w/ the above share:
1. use of "genocide" as a term--tho' I have nuttin' but ire + disgust fer the bloody massacre BBGun has inflicted on his own people an' all those livin' in Gaza, I yet don't believe "genocide" is accurate--His disregard fer human life while "takin' " territory is to be denounced an' stopped-- yet it ain't genocide imho; if every single person left Gaza (Rafah too), there would be no pursuit of these people even if they just moved ta, say, nearby Egypt. (Holocaust wuz genocide as Hitler wanted ta root us out EVERYWHERE... sadly that movement still lives, 'nuther story fer 'nuther time)
2. Pallywood--some of the images (not all) -- as are many apocryphal tales--old pix from Syrian wars reused...etc. So that's a mite dishonest. SURE Israel has it's own PR dept. an' releases its own staged photos (an' ops as we see above) I think the filmmaker here needs ta be little less trustin' of media... (ME-DIA!) to wit...
3. He claims "all" the hostages were treated "beautifully" an' "like Queens"--my air sickness bag is ready... Just (as I'll add) that many who fully deny the Holocaust cherry-pick out a few interviews from the lucky few chews who got selected fer bein' in the "showroom" division of the camps--i.e. those that got fed, gave concerts & performances, etc. ("Shoah" film outtakes...perhaps unwisely left out...) these few ladies released are trusted with the "official story." We know that fer "show" stuff exists (ta manipulate the media) an' there'z always folks that get treated differently from the rest, like the sample apartment with no vermin or drips or leaks.
Just as on any given tour of Bellevue (or similarly shameful "insty-2-shuns" of mental health treatment...) they'll show ya the few nice clean zen'd out folks playin' chess--not the screamin' drugged up abused patients gettin' molested (yes at Bellevue!) in rooms with feces an' other fluids on the walls. So this filmmaker either is too pro-hamas ta "see" that even if these former hostage were tellin' the truth--that duz not mean the others were treated like "Queens." Some other women gave testimony an' say they were raped, starved, hit, an' worse--I believe them too! One had ta have new arm surgery as she had a break not set. Also, we know that if you've just been lucky 'nuff ta have yer own life spared from rotten terrorists (even if Israel funded 'em I would still say Hamas are not nice guys ta have tea with...), it's likely you got told ta "hush up" about any abuses 'er they'd find ya where ya lived an' slit yer throats. (I know, graphic, but these are "head hunters") I'm not near-sure these folks were well-treated tho'-- that ol' lady in the film looks near-starved--I'm near sure they said whatever (like Patty Hearst!) ta save their own skins... an' mebbe that of their children... perhaps later they recanted by the MSM moves on...fast!
4. tho he clarifies that the ordinary "chews" are not to be held full-out guilty fer these crimes against humanity--he blames "The Rothschilds" an' claims that this one fambly runs the USA, Israel, the UK an' so much more... Oy. He doesn't seem ta know Rothchilds are not in charge--they're the bagment an' bankers of the Vatty-kin, Black Nobility / 13 Famblies, an' the Committee of 300 (most of which ain't MOTs)... I don't think that take is helpful as it targets one fambly alone as an easy scapegoat...
5. he tags the kibbutzim as hated commies--c'mon now--Israel has been a capitalist country since the 1970s if not earlier--life on a kibbutz is only communal in a type of living style that doesn't bother anyone--some vestige of the former socialist "ideas" that did come from the USSR perhaps, but nobody would pull out a little red book there... methinks it wuz ruther a matter of folks in one spot (aka a good target). Easy ta corner! Ditto fer the festival people--from all I gather it was not (as portrayed) some pagan-satanic-sex-n-drugs love fest ta be stamped out by the now-holier-than-thou BB... (some "truthers" have said they were satanists and deserved all they got--oy) but I think ANY large gatherin'--concert, stadium--like so many OPS 'round the world--is how ya make a target--be it in Las Vegas or Russia or....Israel. My guess--this fest wuz a mix of secular an' reformed, many beautiful youths gathered for joy (simcha!) an' not some nest of iniquity... imho the operative words were a) many an' b) convenience...
6. he claims that only 28 people were possibly killed "by accident" by Hamas--all the others killed by Israel's "friendly fire" an' (term not used by implied) Hannibal directive... He claims no Hamas members killed innocent jews--that only the Israelis did. Now he denies all that go-pro footage of Hamasians cheerin'? C'mon. I cain't say if 1200 or 1500 is the number but I DO think that they let those boys "go fer broke"--I think it was more 'n 50 young men from Hamas--but 50 kin do a lotta real life damage. I've heard very credible stories (eg. Norman Fenton's nice) that what they sawr was real--there are many tales of just how women are treated by not just Hamas but many of these men of the "noble faith" (per Gad Saad's terminology...)... so this filmmaker sayin' that Hamas wouldn't hurt a hair on these women's heads is ABSURD (we see Swedish women, English women, French women as livin' or dead testimony to the contrary)
BUT ALL THAT SAID--some of the evidence is incontrovertible--highly wreck-o-mended in spite of all this "baggage" BEYOND an' Inside Job
With that said, blessin's on all these an' other whistleblowers fer tellin' the truth--I hope BBGun doesn't touch a hair on their heads (like I trust the gubbamint there not ta destroy whistleblowers?)
They totally pernted their fingers at BBGun & CO... correctly--but they fail ta see that BB is just a puppet--a larger target is his masters. Either way, he's one'a the worst "chews" in history--makin' bank robbers look tame!
Who are young IDF who bombed / harmed their own--who didn't say no an' lobbed grenades inta the kibbutzes? who shot at their own from hell-o-copters? THIS is hard ta fathom... are they like the "good Germans?"
Maybe we missed the video part where he was asking several times if for sure there were parchments in the tefillin boxes, like he was concerned when he got the shot video.
Thank you for deleting his face in the picture.
Good Yom Tov!
On the other hand, if this makes him do תשובה, can this be counted as "מתוך שלא לשמה בא לשמה"?!...
I’m appalled by the comments. But meanwhile, do we really know bibi is responsible for oct 7? Certainly the army was out to get him, along with the rest of the elites. Do we know he wasn’t tricked into the Covid psy op? Seems even the British royals were tricked.
Dear rabbi shlita,
I;m sorry but you obviously are either blinded by misappropriated bias in favor of the most amoral, raping, shelling and sniping with helicopters (on October 7th 2023, also corroborated by israeli officers themselves, according to the Hannibal Doctrine which says to shoot israelis in case of capture). Or you just want to hate as well. For they are only Palestinians, right? I.e. an already 75 years heavily oppressed, starved for they got only the minimum calories, carefully counted by israel, their lives scrutinized daily and nightly (...), drones overhead, electricity cut off most of the day and night culminating in people, including children, freezing to death every year.
Who wants to live in a concentration camp with,and that is israeli policy, 70 % joblessness, fisherman shot at and their boats confiscated by a bunch of amoral soldiers who get away with everything and let their most evil low drives steer their actions.
With impunity. Strange that a people fight back at times, right? But since you choose to believe the propaganda by a state you seem not to like for its policies toward Jews, you do think it's right for Palestinians. Jews who protest in israel get intimiddated, arrested and tortured. Never heard of that either, I presume. And criticism of the zionist states' evil policies toward Palestinians, Bedouins and in fact also Druse people is said to be antisemitism.
I hope you will not follow the evil crowd (forbidden by Torah, rabbi!) and drone the same nonsense and in fact despicalble saying into out Jewish heads. Those who love Torah and try our best to follow its precepts. With social justice and not only for Jews.
Antisemitism is wanton hatred in all kinds of levels of us, Jews. We know what antisemitism is. It is a monstrosity that, of all people, the goyim and I see lots of zionists as such given their behaviror and language (remember what chazal said about those? That they don't belong to the Jewish people but to ancient Mitzrayim).
I would like to advice you to take a look at Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, Gisha, Hamoked, Whoprofits.org, All Israeli human rights organizations who tell and show you exactly what happens for real in e.g. the West Bank daily and nightly (terrorizing the population, settlers and the amoral demonic army alike).
Already for 8 months there is a genoicide in Gaza ongoing. Facilitated by the intelligence agencies of israel and the most amoral army top. Plans have been on the shelf already for years. For billions of dollars wipinng out the Palestinians, and fllattenng Gaza. Gas is in Gaza and oil. First Iraq, then Libya, Syria, now Gaza for they can't get to Iran.
The US proxy war. Hamas is a resistance fighter group as in WWII. But apparently you are too indoctrinated by former years' newspapers biased and all, esp. the New York Times who have been outed a couple of times as one-sided and basically lying.
Hopefully you don't keep your head in the sand. You are strong enough. Where is your moral voice, rabbi?
Kol tov,
Abigail Buitenkant
Not only gas but beach front property. Thanks for writing this. (and yes, we love Rabbi Green)